Genoa Business Forms, Inc.


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Custom Forms
Rx Pads
Flat Sheet
  Digital Fan-Apart
Custom Checks
  Document Security
    Security Papers
    Void Pantographs
Desk Pad Calendars
Composition & Design
Laser Compatible Products
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Composition & Design Services

Our Composition Department specializes in full digital design of forms, which means an attractive, easy to read finished product. By choosing our team of composition specialists to design your forms you will receive clean revisions of your digital files without loss of quality. Electronic Proofs (Adobe PDF format files) and full color proofs can be prepared in as little as 24 hours utilizing our rush services.
If you are providing your own electronic composition we request that it be as Adobe PDF files. A Portable Document Format (pdf) file is a self-contained cross-platform document. In plain language, it is a file that will look the same on the screen and in print, regardless of what kind of computer or printer someone is using and regardless of what software package was originally used to create it.
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